Chapter 7   

In my read of Module Seven in New Perspectives – The Internet 10th edition, I was fairly intrigued by the subject of internet speeds, and Security concerns. Growing up I was always used to 4g and 5g internet speeds, but I did not know how slow the internet started. It is honestly impossible for me to only be able to call on my phone. Thankfully 5g internet speeds are now the standard for mobile carriers and others carry 4g as a backup. Currently Mobile service keeps getting better and better but back then when mobile service was starting many had to struggle in order to find cellular service. I specifically remember when flip phones had an antenna that could extend so that they could obtain as much service as possible. Meanwhile, Wi-Fi had its evolution with its beginnings of dial up internet. I do not think I was old enough to experience dial up but, I remember having 3g internet which was terribly slow. Now Wi-Fi has improved but one of its major drawbacks are the attacks and maintenance that is required to keep up with the demand. For many, including myself Wi-Fi is a vital tool for us to communicate and teach but, it can also be used for many bad things. Internet speeds will only start to get better and better although attacks will only continue and affect more networks. In order to prevent these attacks, one should invest in a VPN, and be vigilant of which networks one chooses to join. One should also be wary of which information they choose to access whilst on a free Wi-Fi network. To conclude, I believe that this chapter is one of the most important chapters to read to understand internet safety.




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