Chapter 5   

Chapter five of New Perspectives – The Internet 10th edition informed me on the beginning of social media and what it was like in its beginning stages. The book explains well how news groups were the start of the social aspect of social media. The chapter also explains the many ways of communication including email and text messaging. Text messaging is the main communication method that I use in my daily life and the book discusses that matter in an okay way. I believe that the book could’ve used some more interesting facts for the reader to learn about. As someone who uses social media the author just does not do enough to capture the attention of the reader. At times the chapter does pick up with elaborating on how social networking functions and the examples. The author does supplement the instant messaging section with more facts about how instant messaging started and the history of it. The author ends the chapter with blogs and microblogs which I feel is an outdated term. Overall, I feel as if this chapter is very mediocre compared to the previous ones. The author almost loses the reader a couple of times with a few extra details. I feel as if the author could’ve added a few more interesting facts about social media platforms and how they grew. The chapter is easily one of the most relatable ones in the book, but the author does not make it interesting enough in my opinion. Finally, I wouldn't recommend this chapter as easily as I would recommend the previous ones due to the book struggling to hold my attention.




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