Chapter 2

Whilst diving into the next chapter of New Perspectives of the Internet 10th edition I again was well informed. The second chapter helped explain the basics of email and its uses. Email has many uses in my day-to-day life such as sending emails to professors, obtaining job offers via email, and any discounts from retail stores. I felt especially informed during the explanation of CC and BCC. The uses of email can be endless. Although this section of the book was well written, One part that needed work was the spam and junk mail section. In my reading of chapter 2 of New Perspectives of the Internet 10th edition, I was well refreshed with the material. In the CC and BCC portion, I never knew what the acronyms stood for nor the function of it. Although I do not use those features on email it really helps understanding that CC or curtesy copy is widely used in business emails and is very accepted. On the other hand, BCC or blind curtesy copy is not as well accepted and is generally used in disciplinary action. My one complaint of the chapter is how the book explains on how to avoid spam emails and how to recognize one. In my opinion I think that the methods on how to avoid spam should be updated due to bots changing their methods. In conclusion, chapter two follows chapter one with a great deal of information on email and its functions. This chapter has made a significant impact on me because of the in-detail information of the CC and BCC functions of email and how to properly write an email. The one suggestion that I have with this chapter is to better inform about how spam works and how to avoid it. Finally, I would recommend this chapter of the book to the older generations who are not properly aware of how email works.  




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