Chapter 6   

Module 6 in New Perspectives – The Internet 10th edition really opened up my mind to the possible dangers of the internet. The chapter helped establish the reality that is fairly hidden within the internet. While surfing the internet, I would always run into shady links and strange posts. I was always curious about what the links could lead to but, I never followed through. This chapter dives into the potential risks of what happens when a careless individual does not take internet security seriously. Part of security is having a strong password, thankfully many websites require strong passwords to sign up. Although, having strong passwords has its drawbacks, like forgetting them or having to attempt the password multiple times before successfully logging in. Unfortunately, there are times when a password does not make a difference. I had an experience like this when my PlayStation account was breached by a hacker in Michigan. After a while, many websites and services have stepped up their security with a program called 2 step verification. Module 6 also includes a helpful tip on how to prevent denial of service attacks, by installing a denial-of-service filter. This software would’ve been useful to Sony who had their servers taken offline by hackers in 2011. Finally, security is especially important on the internet and prevents so many things like identity theft and viruses from destroying your online experience. I would strongly recommend this section of the book to younger kids and adults who aren't aware of online threats.




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