Chapter 3 

In module 3 of New Perspectives of the Internet 10th edition, the section that really made an impact on me was the evaluating accuracy and checking a web page’s authenticity section. With being in school and writing papers, it is important to ensure that the sources used in the paper are correct and up to date. The book offers helpful information like checking if the source is biased or not, and how the page is designed and presented. Many sources these days are very heavily censored and do not tell the full story of a particular situation. This module had very helpful information overall except for one part. With misinformation and fake news spreading rapidly it is important to be aware of which article is credible and which is fake. Luckily, module three offers multiple tips to not get misled like checking if there is an author, and who owns the website of the article. However, an area that needs work in the chapter is the search engine optimization section. I feel as if this section of the book is not as well defined as other parts of the chapter such as understanding search engines. To improve this section, I would recommend that the author provides examples of a tag for an HTML document. In conclusion, module 3 of New Perspectives of the Internet 10th edition had a particular area that really impacted me which is called evaluating web sources. I felt so strongly about this headline because of the effect it had on my life in writing essays and including sources. Although module 3 has its strengths the only weakness I would point out is the lack of use for the search engine optimization part. I believe this section wouldn’t have a use in one’s day-to-day life. However, I would still recommend this chapter to a friend who wants to further their knowledge of web pages.




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