Three new tags

< ul>Unordered List < /ul>

The unordered list tag organizes items into a bullet list with no official ranking.

NBA Legends

This is an example of how the code that produced this list is written.

< p> < br>NBA Legends< br>
< ul>
< li>Lebron James< /li>
< li>Dwyane Wade< /li>
< li>Allen Iverson< /li>
< li>Hakeem Olajuan< /li>
< li>Kevin Garnett< /li>
< /ul>

Source: W3schools!

Bold tag

The bold tag is used to embolden and draw focus to a certain word or group of words. The total solar eclipse will not happen for another 20years.

This is how the code is written.

< p>The< b>total< /b> solar eclipse will not happen for another < b>20< /b>years.< /p>

Source: Medium!

S or Strikethrough tag

This specific tag is utilized when an amount of information is incorrect or no longer relevent to a topic.

The total solar eclipse happened on April 8th 2024. It was visible in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

This is how the code is written in order to achieve the look of the text.

< p>The total solar eclipse happened on April 8th 2024. < s>It was visible in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.< /s>

Source: Geeks for Geeks!